Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dollmaking High School Art

Dolls. I'm not sure why, but I though that making dolls would be cool. The students got really into it and for some, it became an identity assignment. I was shocked by the sewing skills these kids had. We worked probably three weeks on them. I know that's a long time, but if they can make something they are truly proud of, that's okay.

Emma Polster. Check out that beautiful embroidery on the dress!

Rebecca Waldern

Keyan Mohsenin. This sherriff throws up yarn.

Ellen Shmunis

Andrew Kruep. This doll has a detachable velcro pistol and peg leg.

Erik Pyka. I had to bend this doll to have him fit in on my backdrop.

Sarah Brenneman

Leslie Koyama. You can flip this traditional Japanese doll's dress and it becomes a traditional Mexican doll. The artist has a Mexican/Japanese heritage. If I was smart, I would have photographed both.

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