To teach negative and positive space and implied line, I had my Art Theory 1 kids use scrap colored paper to fill in negative space around this image of Jack Palance.
These diagrams were made in my Studio Art class to help the students realize what is important to them, make connections between these things, and decide on what they will make their 5 piece series about. They start with themselves in the middle and branch out with different identities and items of interest connected to those identities. Then they color coded each item according to current importance in their lives.
These are blind contour portraits that my Art Theory 1 students did of someone sitting across from them. I probably gave them 8 minutes or so to do this. They usually have a lot of fun doing it.
The second day of class in Art Theory 1, I have the kids do a pencil drawing of some simple objects to evaluate where they are. I give no instruction except to draw what is in front of them. I don't know how much this helps me. But a period of observational drawing is never a bad thing.
I showed my Art Theory 1 kids John Singer Sargent's painting, Madame X and printed out a copy for them. We talked about the paintings history and why it was scandalous at the time. They then had to draw her but with a contemporary style.
These are contour drawings from Art Theory 1 when I teach them about contour line. I have them draw in pen to ween them off erasers at the very beginning.